Who We Are

Everything we want you to know if you're looking for “churches near me”.

Our Mission

To love and lead people into encounters with the fullness of God.

A man in a white shirt raises his hand in worship in front of some dim lights.A man and woman holding a baby in a park.Two women standing next to each other near a brick wall smile at the camera.A man and a woman sitting on a bench laughing.
A group of children standing around a table with books as an adult volunteer oversees.A woman singing into a microphone on stage.A man and a woman sitting on a bench laughing.

Our Vision

For everyone to behold the glory of God and be transformed into the image of his Son and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Beliefs

Let's get down to the basics. Our beliefs about these are fundamental to everything we do.


The Father: God from whom all things came and for whom we live (1 Corinthians 8:6).

Jesus: Fully God. Fully man. Our only MEDIATOR to God.

The Holy Spirit: God in Us. An Unseen POWER.

young woman with a mic on stage kneeling in worship
young woman with a mic on stage kneeling in worship

The Bible

The Bible is absolute truth without error.

We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God and serves as final authority on what we believe and how we live. It is our guide to understanding God and the meaning of life.

youth girls sitting on a couch reading their bibles
youth girls sitting on a couch reading their bibles

The Church

The Church is a spiritual family. We believe the church is God’s family on earth to spread the good news of abundant life, both now and for eternity.

a group of men and women holding hands and praying with their eyes closed.
a group of men and women holding hands and praying with their eyes closed.


Simply put, God loves you. He has incredible plans for your life. God has given each of us purpose and meaning. Moreover, God doesn't just want you to "get into heaven", He wants Heaven to be inside you. With the Holy Spirit inside you, now Heaven pours out on others around you. This is our purpose.

baby girl in her moms arms smiling into the camera
baby girl in her moms arms smiling into the camera

Next Class

Next is a 4-week class to help you get connected to our church and learn more about Christianity. It’s where you’ll get answers to questions about baptism, membership, or how to get involved at Harborside.

A group of people sitting around a table and talking at Next Class.

Five Headlines We Would Love to See About Harborside

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