Meet the Team
We are here to love and lead you into encounters with the fullness of God.

Hello! My name is Krystal Pierre. As a middle schooler, I came to know Christ after encountering His presence in my living room. I remember sitting on my sofa and experiencing what I now know to be the love of God through His Holy Spirit. The following Sunday, the Lord confirmed my encounter during a church service where I experienced that same outpour! I knew from that moment that Jesus was The way, and I never looked back. I now serve in ministry with my husband and best friend, Amos, as the Marriage Monday co-leader and a co-teaching pastor. Together, it is our highest honor to raise our son, Josiah, and lead him into encounters with the fullness of God.

My name is Kurt Parker, and I have the honor and distinct privilege of serving as the Senior Pastor of Harborside Christian Church. As a young boy who grew up in Indiana, I had the dream of becoming a sports broadcaster. However, at the age of 14, God radically changed my life. The neighborhood pastor stopped by my house one afternoon to talk with my dad. I happened to be in that living room as the gospel was presented, and my dad decided to surrender his life to Christ. That moment greatly impacted me, and a few days later, I yielded my life to Jesus.
Four years later, I moved to Tennessee to attend Johnson University, where I received a BA and then, three years later, a Master’s of Divinity from Southern Seminary. Going to Bible College was a huge leap of faith. I was a young man who hadn’t grown up in the church and knew very little about the Bible. In fact, when I first arrived, upon taking an exam to gauge our Bible knowledge, I scored very poorly. Who knew there were two Josephs in the Bible? This knowledge gap fueled my passion for learning His word. I studied hard and, as a result, had numerous encounters with God.
After meeting my beautiful bride Danita in college, we married in 1984. Danita and I moved to Memphis, TN where we pastored a church for 16 years. During our time there, we had three incredible children Ericka, Ethan, and Emalee. In 2004, I was clearly called by the Lord to join the staff of Harborside Christian Church.
My family and I moved to Safety Harbor, Florida and began our ministry here. Since arriving, our family has grown with two sons-in-law (Jeff and Andrew) plus a daughter-in-law (Paz). We are blessed with many grandchildren, which is the joy of Danita’s and my life. Our story has been nothing short of a demonstration of God's mercy and blessings. We serve Him to love and lead others into encounters with the fullness of God.

Hey friends! I’ve loved the Lord since I lived in NY. Surprisingly, moving to this extra-toasty state has not changed that. One of my favorite traits of the Lord is his goodness and his faithfulness. I’ve been living in his overflow, and there’s just no other place that I’d rather be. I’m here at Harborside almost every day of the week, and I get the honor of being part of the Harborside Chapel team and Counseling Services.

My faith journey began at a young age when I experienced a powerful encounter with God. It happened at church during an altar call led by my father when I was only four years old. In that sacred moment, as my dad extended the invitation to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, I stood up without hesitation and walked confidently toward him. He lovingly lifted me up and guided me through the prayer of salvation, forever shaping my life and instilling within me a deep desire to lead others to experience the transformative power of Christ. Today, my wife and best friend, Krystal, and I are grateful to serve the church in several capacities. Together, it is our highest honor to raise our son, Josiah, and lead him into encounters with the fullness of God.

My name is Matt Ternes, and I am currently the CFO and one of the teaching pastors here at Harborside. God called our family to Harborside back in 2020 in a way that only He could. Every door that needed to be opened, the Lord opened, and every door that needed to be shut, He shut. So, obediently, my wife, Bekah, our daughter, Ila, and our two dogs packed up everything we had, left everyone we knew, and moved from Knoxville, TN, to the city of Safety Harbor to pursue God’s purpose and calling for family. God has blessed us richly and immensely since we have been here, including the addition of our son, Silas, to our family. We love serving at Harborside through marriage mentoring and being a part of the Marriage Monday ministry, and we have come to love our community here as we continue on the journey God has placed before us. If you don’t see us at Harborside, you’ll often find us running/walking along Bayshore or enjoying the restaurants and Waterfront Park in downtown Safety Harbor.

Hello! I'm Tricia. When I became a parent, I began volunteering in the children's ministry at Harborside. I thought back to my church family growing up and realized the leaders I had along the way made a huge impact on my life through their presence, their love for Jesus, and their willingness to serve. I am passionate about our children at Harborside having that opportunity through our church family. As Elementary Director, I am committed to creating opportunities for kids and families to encounter Jesus and grow deep roots in the unending love of God. My husband, Tim, and I raised our two daughters at Harborside, and we are enjoying being grandparents to four, soon to be five, grandchildren.

De Oliveira
Hey everyone! My name is Max. I grew up at Harborside Church, where I met and fell in love with Jesus. I encountered the Lord at a young age and was baptized at one of our beach baptisms. I felt a call to ministry in high school on one of our mission trips. By the grace of God, this church has become my home. Now I get the honor of leading our middle and high school students to encounter and behold Jesus, just as I have learned throughout my life.

De Oliveira
I love the Lord! Truly every fiber of my being loves Him. It simply amazes me that Almighty God has made his home in me and is ready to meet me every day with a fresh encounter. He meets me through the love of my parents. He meets me in the power of His Word. He meets me at the top of the mountains when hiking. He meets me on evening walks. He meets me in the ocean. He meets me at the piano. He meets me in communion. He meets me with a friend over coffee. He meets me when I’m with you at our church. He meets me alone in the quiet of my home. Everywhere I am, He is. Lower, lower yielded to the Holy Spirit is my heart’s cry! Here at Harborside, I work in family ministries with our children, students, and interns, and it’s my delight to be one of many worship leaders.

Hello! I’m Cecilia! I grew up at Harborside and was baptized in 5th grade. I knew God was real, but I didn’t understand what living for him looked like. In high school, I went to a student life camp that showed me what a true relationship with Christ looked like. The following spring, in a moment of worship on a mission trip, I encountered Jesus. I came home with a deeper desire to follow him and to work in his church. My role at Harborside is the Connect Ministry Administrator.

Hey there! I'm Ethan and have had the gift of being on a beautiful journey with Jesus and have been discovering who I am and who He is for my whole life. I thought I knew Jesus, but it really clicked for me at 25 that I knew of him but did really know him. I was reading Romans 5 that day and felt Jesus saying this is who I am, and this is what I’m inviting you into. It was so real, and I love how Jesus was really patient with me and continues to be. At 30, I married my amazing wife, Paz, and together, we have discovered more of who Jesus is. God has used our marriage to be such a learning place of his love and grace. He has led us to serve in this church, and we are so grateful for this community and the opportunity to dream and grow together. We believe that this church will say yes to loving Jesus with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength!

Hey there! I'm Andrew. In 7th grade, I encountered Jesus at a Harborside Connect Group. God's immense love was revealed to me in that connect group, and I was deeply moved. The gospel shifted from my mind to my heart. Immediately, I repented and got baptized. After baptism, I experienced the Holy Spirit's power. Later in college, I said yes to full-time ministry. Now, I lead Harborside's marketing efforts, which I see as "modern-day evangelism,” and I am one of our teaching pastors dedicated to proclaiming God’s truth. I am deeply grateful for my family, including my wife, Kaylyn, and our wonderful daughter, Layna Love.

I grew up in a Christian home and was baptized as a kid. I moved to Los Angeles and worked as a music producer, I lost sight of what truly mattered, but God never lost sight of me. I then felt God’s guiding hand bring me to His Church. I said Yes to His plan, got baptized again, and started working in full-time ministry. I now get to walk in the power of The Holy Spirit, by the grace of Jesus, in the arms of God as I lead the design team through all of Harborside Church’s graphic, video, and audio needs. I’m thankful for my wife, Jen, and the journey God has brought me on.

Hello, my name is Lissette. Jesus invited me into a relationship with him at a young age. The continued revelation of the gospel has increasingly become clearer and has transformed me into becoming a laid-down lover of Jesus Christ. It has been a journey of encounters, from being baptized to becoming a mother. The Spirit of God has forever marked me, and I will never be the same. Every day is an encounter with God; I have become increasingly aware of it. It is one of my greatest honors to be a wife to Hantz, and do ministry with him side-by-side on the creative team.

Hey Everyone, My name is Hantz, Like Han Solo, but without the Solo. I have been in church since I was in the womb, but my personal relationship with Jesus was a gradual process. This relationship led to fully devoting my life to serving Him and His church when I was in college. I am now the Music Director for Harborside church and Harborside Music. God has blessed me with my amazing wife, Lissette, and our beautiful daughter Sophia.

Hey, my name is Kaylyn! I am one of those kids who was basically born in a church sanctuary, but at the age of 16, I truly began my journey with God. The Lord encountered me in a dream, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and began speaking the truth of my identity over me. This dream marked me and led me to serve the local church.My husband, Andrew, and I got married in 2019, and in 2023 we had our daughter, Layna Love. Writing songs, studying the Word of God, and Worshiping Jesus have always been passions of mine, and it is my greatest joy to be doing these things alongside my husband and our family.

Hello, friends! I'm Tilly, and I'll never forget my powerful encounter with Jesus during a worship service at Harborside. It was a life-altering moment when Jesus revealed Himself to me, completely transforming my perspective. The profound impact of the Gospel left me changed, leading me to embrace a new life entirely. In July 2019, I took the step of getting baptized, leaving everything behind to follow Jesus. Since then, my journey has been marked by continuous revelations of the Lord's presence, filling my life with boundless joy and inner peace. I now serve on the Creative team, wholeheartedly dedicating myself to ministry.

Hi everyone! My name is Josh Platt, and I am a music director here at Harborside Church. In 2021, our church held 21 nights of worship where they asked if anyone felt called to ministry. I remember the Lord encountering me while being prayed over by the team. Later that year, I enrolled in the summer internship program, which nurtured my walk with Jesus and led to me becoming a part of the staff. This season was fast and exciting yet filled with overwhelming peace. The Lord's timing is beautiful, and I look forward to seeing what He will do as His kingdom continues to grow.

Hi! I’m Olivia. I grew up knowing God, but I truly encountered His love for me when I began to read the Bible for myself as a high school freshman. As an artist, the Lord has shown me His beauty by revealing spiritual realities through His Word. I now have the privilege to create art that empowers others to experience the Father’s love for His children, revealed by the Word.

Hello, I'm Sam! It was on a middle school trip during an impactful camp where I had a life-changing encounter with Jesus. The Holy Spirit revealed His immense love, undeniable existence, and overwhelming power to me during a powerful night of worship. I was left in awe of His greatness and decided to surrender my life to Jesus. As I pursued higher education, God led me into full-time ministry, allowing my relationship with Him to flourish even more. Today, I'm grateful to be a part of Harborside's marketing team, contributing my skills in designing captivating video content.

Hi. I’m Harrison. I can vividly remember my first encounter with the Lord, in 6th grade, at “Camp Arrowwood.” After a night of worship and teaching where the Lord touched a group of my friends deeply, we returned to our cabin and began praying and asking the Lord into our hearts. We were questioning… “Had we really been saved?” As a group of young boys would - we decided to open the Bible and point to a verse, which would be what God wanted to say to us. We proceeded, and the scripture read, “Your faith has saved you. Now go in peace”. As we read, I remember feeling the tangible presence of God. He touched our bodies and emotions that night. We were a bunch of 6th-grade boys on the floor weeping in His presence. From that moment on, even in times when I wasn’t walking in nearness, that presence has kept calling me home.

Greetings, I'm Orlando, and my life took a profound turn thanks to a transformative mission trip with Harborside during my high school years. It was an impactful experience that led me to make a heartfelt decision – to be baptized and embark on a personal journey with Jesus.God has instilled in me a great passion for the arts, allowing me to create pieces that reflect His divine beauty. Today, I'm honored to be a valued member of Harborside's Design Team, where I utilize my creative abilities to serve Him!I am sincerely grateful for this wonderful opportunity to use art to touch hearts and inspire others. As we journey forward, guided by His grace, may our creative expressions lead others into encounters with the fullness of God.

Hi, I'm Dan Cusmano. I have had the privilege of growing up in a Christian family, attending church and Christian schools from the beginning. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was eight years old and was baptized in the Gulf of Mexico when I was fifteen. I have been serving on church production teams for thirty years. My wife Heather and I have been married since 2005. We have two sons, Nicholas and Caleb. In 2007, I joined the staff here at Harborside Christian Church as Director of Technology.

Hi! My name is Heather! I grew up in church and was saved when I was 10 years old, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I started leaning into God and giving HIM control over my life. When I did that, he orchestrated my sister and me to move to Safety Harbor. After months of movement on his part and slow awareness on mine, I obediently left my job of 10 years. I now manage the cafe at Harborside and work at Haven House during the week. He continues to encounter and amaze me with even the most minor things.

Hi! My name is Paz, and I’ve had the privilege to know Jesus from an early age. Several encounters throughout my life continue to affirm who Jesus is and who I am in Him. I am incredibly grateful that my faith journey has lead me to meet my incredible husband, Ethan, and ultimately join Harborside as my home church now. I am reminded of Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” God has been so faithful in every season! Our prayer for you is that you will be able to encounter Jesus in your faith Journey in the most unique way that He desires to meet you.

Hi! I’m April. I’m the oldest daughter of John and Althea. My parents faithfully taught me the Good News about Jesus since I was born. When I was seven years old, I gave my life to Jesus. I was overjoyed at the knowledge of living forever in eternity with Him. I have been walking with the Lord for 20+ years and have zero regrets. At every turn in my life, the good and the bad, I’ve had the Holy Spirit living inside me as my Guide, Comforter, and Friend. Today, I have the amazing opportunity to serve on Harborside’s Outreach team and help lead Harborside Cares. I’m so grateful to serve in the house of God!

Hi there, I’m Shai! I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know the Lord, and every day with Him keeps getting sweeter. I currently serve as the Harborside Chapel Associate. My heart for the Lord & His beautiful gift of marriage for His people is what makes me so grateful to be where I am today. I am blessed with the best family, including my parents, Mike and Danielle, and my little yet tall brother Ray.

Hi friends! I'm Melissa. In 2017, I encountered Jesus in a new way while in Haiti on a mission trip. That trip showed me how I had complicated sharing the love of Jesus; I wasn’t loving people where they were which is how the Lord has loved me my entire life. After that trip, I connected my purpose of loving people with my passion for hospitality. Now I spend my days managing HavenHouse and getting to share the love of Jesus with our community!

I grew up attending church “every time the doors were open.” I first gave my life to Jesus in the 4th grade and continued involvement in the church into high school. At age 16, I publicly identified with Jesus by being baptized.When I met and married Jay, we wanted a Christ-centered family. We began our faith walk together in Georgia, moving later to Tennessee and then to Florida. Joining the Harborside staff as Accounting Associate in 2011 has continued to strengthen my spiritual growth.

Hi, my name is Erik Woodiwiss. I grew up attending a Baptist church with my grandparents in Cincinnati, OH. I was baptized when I was five years old, and my wife and I were re-baptized together in the Gulf of Mexico. My wife is my high school sweetheart; we’ve been married since 2002. We are owned by a pug named Piper. I joined the staff at Harborside in 2014.