Harborside Stories

How God is moving in the lives of Harborsiders.

a group of people waist deep in the water, baptizing a woman.

Watch Stories

The many ways God has encountered His people at Harborside.

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“My husband and I came for worship online today, we love it so much! We wish we could go in Person! We want to move there because of the presence of our Lord we feel at home through live worship already. We love you all bless you all and thank you Jesus for a wonderful church and place of worship such as this!! We love you Jesus.”
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Jill Keefe
“We have attended Harborside for around 3 years in total, its an incredible experience from the worship music team to the incredible messages and inspiration from the pastors. We also participate in their connect groups which are well organized and very helpful. Great people here who are here to help you grow in Christ.”
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Tyler Baumgardner
“We are Missouri transplants who moved to Dunedin to be close to our family. We searched for a church we could call home and found
Harborside to be warm, friendly and inviting. A wonderful message! When you can leave a service and want to “live it out” 24/7 you’re being fed the truth. God Bless the staff for all they do to bring God alive and still in charge to all who accept His guidance and direction.”
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Tony Ruesing