Pastors Retreat
An environment for global church leaders to encounter the fullness of God.

Church Leaders From
All Over the World
Swipe to view the full map, and tap on each location to learn more about the leaders we've hosted.
Mexico- Puebla
Miguel and Brenda Aparicio
Iglesia Fuente de Vida (Fountain of Life Church) is the church in Puebla México where Miguel and Brenda are worship pastors. A message from the couple, "Pray for Brenda’s full healing and for us to be blessed with children. Pray that Mexico would be filled with God’s presence and that its leaders would walk in the fear of the Lord. We also ask for our local church to be a place that’s easy for people to find, where they feel free to encounter God without barriers. May we be able to raise up children of God and dedicated servants!"

Pascal, Lida, Shana, Andrea, Bella and Lenya Pfister
Eglise Imagin’ (Imagine Church) is a church in Paris where Pascal and Lida are senior pastors. The church’s mission is to transform views and impact the nations with the gospel and awaken people to the knowledge of Jesus. A message from the family, "Our family lives in Paris, France. We are pastors of 2 churches in the south of Paris and we are supporting a church planting in Monaco, going there once a month. Pascal has been a full time pastor since 2009. Lida was working as a paralegal but quit her job last August to volunteer full time at church. We are passionate about church, our desire is to empower people to finish the race. We believe this is a time for the Church to get ready for the second coming of Jesus. We also launched a Bible school in September in collaboration with MiSion Bible School in Argentina, we have 10 students. Please pray so we can be good parents to our 4 girls, so we can show them how to develop a personal relationship with Jesus and be obedient to him. For finances, we felt that the Holy Spirit led us to be both in full time ministry so we believe he will provide for our family. For wisdom in every step we have to take to build the Kingdom of God. To have the strength, faith and love to raise more leaders, equip them and release them in France. Thank you for your prayers and your support. We know we have a family in you all."

Brazil- Southern
Rafael, Gabriela, Zoe, and Amy Bicudo
Edificando Adoradores (Edifying Worshippers) is the ministry of worship and arts at Igreja Edificando em Cristo (Edifying Church in Christ) in São Paulo where Rafa & Gabi are pastors. The church’s mission is to build bridges, embrace the story, and live on mission. A message from the family, "We hope this message finds you well and blessed. Our family lives in São Paulo, Brazil, where we have the privilege of serving as youth pastors. Rafa leads worship at our local church and has also been traveling across Brazil, ministering through worship and encouraging many congregations. Gabi serves as the youth pastor and supports the growth of our church in several areas while pursuing a degree in psychology. We would like to humbly ask for your prayers during this important time in our lives. As a family, we are seeking the Lord’s guidance for the next steps in our ministry, and we pray for His clarity, peace, and provision, especially regarding financial needs. Additionally, we ask for your prayers for our family life—that the Lord would strengthen our marriage and equip us as parents, so we may lead our home according to His will. We pray that our daughters be kept safe, healthy, and emotionally well, and that they continue to grow in the knowledge and revelation of Christ’s love. We are deeply grateful for this spiritual family, for the warm welcome and the many ways you have blessed us. Thank you for standing with us in prayer and fellowship. May the Lord richly bless each of you."

Samuel, Tammy and Noah Muñoz
Iglesia Evangélica Luz del Mundo Asambleas De Dios (Evangelical Church Light of the World Assemblies of God) is in Logroño where Sam and Tammy are the worship and youth pastors. A message from the family, "After more than five years of dating, we got married in Córdoba, Andalusia, my hometown, where I lived until I was 26. Since then, we have been living in Logroño, in northern Spain, the city where my wife has lived for 20 years since arriving from her home country, Chile. We have been married for four years and have a long story in which we have seen God’s hand in every step. We have served in youth ministry and in worship ministry for many years, and in the past year, God has been calling us to fully commit to His plans, which are pleasing, good, and perfect. We believe in the power of prayer and in the wonderful gift God has given us to speak with Him and listen to His voice. We thank God for being a church and for having the support and prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We ask that you keep our family in your prayers, and that we continue to be brave in saying “Yes” to the Lord without reservations or limitations. What is coming is even greater, and wherever His Presence is, we want to be."

Teal, Manu [Emmanuel], and Henri Duval
TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) is a global organization with the mission of partnering with the global Church in sending disciples who make disciples and establish missional churches for the glory of God. Emmanuel and Teal are delighted to serve in Lyon where less than 1% of the population are evangelical believers. A message from the family, "We have been working in church planting and equipping in France for the last ten years with the mission TEAM in the city of Lyon, France. In a post-Christian culture where less than 1% of the population are evangelical Christians, we have been privileged to see lives changed and people come to Christ for His glory! Teal specifically is passionate about discipleship and leads women’s and youth ministries, teaching women and leading them in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Emmanuel serves as a worship leader and home group leader while using his expertise as a construction engineer to help the new church build. Together we lead and serve in the starting of a new church plant as our church has grown in numbers. We want to give praise to the Lord for the blessing of a fruitful ministry of which we are so so thankful. We ask for prayer and wisdom as we seek guidance on our new church plant and the best ways we can serve our community. May God guide us to the right place to glorify Him and serve the greatest needs. We ask for prayers for the new people in discovery Bible studies to come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. We also ask for prayer for provision for the financial needs for us to be able to continue in this ministry. Finally, we ask for prayer for our beloved son Henri, who is three; that he would one day too be a disciple of Christ and that Jesus would be His Savior! Thank you for taking the time to pray for His Kingdom come in France!"

Peter, Libby, Silas and Sophia Myszka
Overland Missions is a global organization with the mission of reaching remote and forgotten people with the Gospel. Libby serves in Zambia as a worship leader, oversees Overland Missions’ music, and ministers to youth and young adults in Nsongwe Village. A message from the family, "Our family lives in Zambia, Africa and works with Overland Missions. Pete is an engineer who likes to get his hands dirty keeping logistics and technical support moving to fuel the ministry happening at Overland's bases across Zambia. Libby is a worship leader who guides the daily worship rhythms at Rapid 14, oversees Overland Missions Music, and also ministers to youth and young adults in Nsongwe Village. Please pray for God’s wisdom for Pete as he navigates the challenges of keeping a fleet of ministry expedition trucks moving and multiple facilities expanding so that the lost can be reached. Please pray for Libby as she stewards the worship movement happening amongst our staff worldwide and as she ministers in Nsongwe Village. For our family, please pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. For our children, Silas and Sophia, we ask that you pray for their growth in faith and that they would experience the joy and purpose in the calling God has placed on our family. Your prayers and support mean the world to us as we follow God’s leading in this mission."

Deborah Deren
Woven Together Ministries is in rural Kenya where Deborah serves as founder and serves the Maasai tribe. The Lord has immensely grown the ministry which started as a small church underneath a tree to now what consists of multiple facets and outreaches. A message from Deb, "Since the start of a new class at our Ministry Training College, we’ve faced numerous spiritual attacks. We ask for your prayers for unity among our team and reconciliation regarding a challenging issue, as well as comfort for a grieving family and protection for our students and ministry staff. Our class consists of 17 adult students, all of whom have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and are now beginning to engage in practical ministry and evangelism, sharing the gospel and praying for the sick. Please pray for their boldness and protection, and that they may see tremendous fruit as they are sent out into the harvest."

USA- Virginia
Daniel & Julia Rosenfarb
Beth Messiah Synagogue is in Norfolk where Daniel and Julia serve as worship pastors. This messianic congregation of Jewish and non-Jewish people worships in a Jewish context, believes that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah, and is dedicated to reaching Jewish people with the Gospel. A message from the couple, "My wife, Julia, and I are Messianic Jewish believers and worship leaders at Beth Messiah Synagogue in Norfolk, Virginia. We are passionate about reaching the Jewish community, both locally and around the world, with the good news of Yeshua (Jesus). We love partnering with local churches to host joint worship events and are praying for revival in our area. Please pray for our congregation to grow in every way—physically, financially, and spiritually—and for our worship team to expand with gifted, born-again, faith-filled worshipers. We also ask for prayer that the Jewish people will come to know their Messiah, especially during these challenging times. Outside of ministry, I work as a designer for a fire safety and security company, and Julia serves as a special education teacher in the public school system. We would appreciate prayers for opportunities to share the hope of Yeshua with our co-workers and students, and for God to continue moving in our lives, our community, and our city."

Mexico- Mexico City
Maria Fernanda Olivares
Mafer has a passion to fight against human trafficking in Mexico and Central America through holistic strategies in prevention, intervention, and restoration. A message from Maria, "Please pray for restoration in my relationship with my mom, that we may recover the time we’ve lost and build a deeper connection. I also ask for prayer for my relationship with my dad, that we too may recover the lost time and grow closer together. I feel like I’m entering a season of greater freedom and responsibility in God’s kingdom. I’ve been serving at a shelter for girls and teenagers who are victims of trafficking, teaching a workshop on identity called From Ashes to Life. Unfortunately, due to internal administrative issues, I haven’t been able to continue, and I’m uncertain about the future. Please lift up the girls in that shelter in prayer. I’ve recently applied to another shelter called Pozo de Vida, which rescues women from prostitution on the streets of Mexico. They haven’t responded yet, but I trust that if it’s God’s will, He will place me there. Please pray for His guidance and timing in this process. I also ask for prayers for my future husband, that God would bless and protect him, and that I may always keep my heart pure and aligned with God’s will."

Nikolas and Fe Pavlov
La Casa del Padre (The Father’s House) is the church in Lima where Niko and Fe are executive pastors. The church’s mission is to empower families to reflect God’s glory, blessing generations through discipleship and teaching. A message from the couple, "Hello, Harborside! We are the Pavlov family. Niko, originally from Bulgaria, and Fe, from Peru, are honored to serve alongside Senior Leadership at La Casa del Padre Church. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as Niko embarks on establishing a new church campus in Miraflores, a different part of our city. Please also pray for Fe’s continued health progress so that she can support Niko in leadership. We ask for prayers for our marriage as we navigate this new adventure of faith together. Additionally, please remember our church leadership team and their families in your prayers, asking for unity in the body of Christ here in Lima, Peru. Thank you for your support!"

Pedro and Ana Neto
Imprint Church is in London where Pedro is the music director, songwriter, producer and pastor. The church’s mission is to reach people to encounter Jesus by creating beautiful art. A message from the couple, "As a family, we would love your prayers as we are trying to reach our city. Please also pray for the continued growth and planting of our churches. We’re now exploring the possibility of adding a fifth service on Sundays, which has made things very busy and chaotic. With this growth, we’re facing challenges, especially with resources. We are in need of more staff and finances to support the demands of the ministry. It’s been a real challenge, and we ask for prayer that God will provide everything necessary to meet the needs of our church community. Our congregation is growing, particularly among young people, teenagers, and young adults, many of whom are still finding their footing financially. We’re praying for growth in this area as well, both spiritually and financially. It’s been beautiful to witness how many young couples are getting married and starting families. We are seeing the next generation of worshippers being raised, and we trust that in the coming years, we will see the fruit of this. However, maintaining our three church buildings and supporting our 12 staff members has been a financial challenge. Each month feels like a battle to make everything work, but we are so thankful for God’s faithfulness and provision. We’ve seen His hand guiding us, and we know He will continue to provide. Please keep us in your prayers, and any way you can lift us up would be a great blessing."

Eric Bustamante
Cristo Para Todos (Christ for Everyone) is the church in Buenos Aires where Eric is a worship pastor. The church’s mission is to pastor the city. A message from Eric, "My name Eric Bustamnate and I am a passionate worshiper and lover of my home church Cristo Para Todos in Buenos Aires. I´ve been the young adults pastor for the last two years and am a worship leader and artist. As a church, we have a heart for our city, and the Lord has given us the vision to be a church that pastors the city. We believe that we are not called just to invite people in but to spread the kingdom of God everywhere. Right now we are also taking our first steps on missions in the Middle East. Your prayers for our church and ministry would be greatly appreciated. I can't wait to see you all again. Love you, Harborside fam!"

USA- Hawaii
Devin and Raquel Henning
Sunset Beach Christian Church is in O’ahu where Devin is the worship pastor. The church’s mission is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. A message from the couple, "Hello! We are Devin and Raquel Henning, and we serve on staff at Sunset Beach Christian Church in Oahu, Hawaii. Recently, we’ve seen a remarkable increase in young adults, now making up more than half of our congregation. We would deeply appreciate your prayers that they get connected to discipleship, grow in their faith, and establish strong spiritual roots. Additionally, your continued prayers for our facility are much needed, as it requires significant maintenance and repairs. Thank you for standing with us in prayer!"

Andrea, Ivan, Ethan, Noam, Prozzaglio
Kol Kore (Voice That Cries) is a church and Bible institute in Be’er Sheva that Ivan and Andrea pastor. The church’s mission is to awaken the global church into understanding their role as intercessors for Israel’s salvation. A message from the family, "Our family lives in Israel, and we pastor the Dorshav Church in the city of Beer Sheva. This is a land where the gospel has touched only 0.2% of the Jewish population, and it is now considered an unreached nation. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. We are pleading with the Lord for those workers who will be sent for this hour. Iván and Andrea founded the Kol Kore Israel ministry, which means “Voice that Cries” in Hebrew, where they provide training and mentoring to hundreds of people from Israel and the nations. This ministry is based on Isaiah 40:3, “A voice cries out in the wilderness; prepare the way for the Lord.” The vision is to connect the Church with God’s prophetic plan for Israel. Please pray for divine protection over our family during these times of war in Israel. Pray for the peace of God over our children, who are growing up listening to the alarm sirens for missiles, many of which impact civilian homes. Pray for our local church in Beer Sheva, that the Lord would fill us with courage and boldness for the preaching of the gospel and the preparation of disciples, amid a context of rejection of the name of Yeshua and silent persecution. Pray for our Kol Kore Israel ministry, that we may be a bridge of connection among the nations and speak the message of God’s Heart for Israel, to raise up intercessors, supporters, and workers willing to collaborate in the preaching of the gospel and be part of the advancement of the Kingdom in Israel. Your prayers and support are of great value to us in our mission. Together, we build the Kingdom of God in Israel and the nations. Thank you very much!"

Adolfo, Laura, Mateo, Andres, and Leonor Agüero
Más Que Vencedores (More Than Conquerors) is the church in Clorinda where Adolfo and Laura are pastors. The church’s mission is to seek the kingdom of Christ for Argentina. A message from the family, "Pray for our marriage. May God keep us safe. May He guide us in the decisions we have to make for each area of our lives. May God guide us as parents to be more intentional and filled with the Holy Spirit. For ministerial and church decisions and decisions that must be made to be 100% guided by God. For our children: Mateo, Andrés and Leonor. Pray that they may love the Lord. May they have an encounter with the Holy Spirit and be sealed– marked over their hearts. May the grace and power of God be revealed to their hearts. May they be kept from the world. Pray for their friends. We pray that they be guided and let themselves be guided by God to fulfill their purpose on this earth. For Paraguay, May God bless this nation and may the body of Christ rise up in Paraguay for the nations."

Brazil- Northern
Carol, Kaio, and Elijah Braga
Family Church Campus 85 is the church in Goiânia where Kaio & Carol are worship pastors. The church’s mission is to love, serve and restore. A message from the family, "Please pray for our visas—Kaio needs to secure his, and Carol and Elijah are both in the process of renewal. We also ask for healing, as Carol has been unwell frequently. Our family needs health, wisdom as parents to guide Elijah in the right direction, and the love, patience, and presence of Jesus at the center of our home. We long to be together and serve in ministry as a family, raising Elijah to walk in faith alongside us, leading worship and preaching the gospel. In our ministry, we seek wisdom to make decisions that align with God’s calling and to maintain a pure heart and clean hands. We pray for God to guard our hearts and help us approach our work with sincerity and integrity. Additionally, we desire to write new songs that resonate with the sounds of Heaven. Carol needs strength and health to fulfill all that the Lord has called her to do. We ask for protection and that the angels of God surround us as a family. Thank you for your prayers."

Why a Global Pastor Retreat?
Many pastors are spiritually running on "empty" and God wants time to give them time to rest and heal their hearts.
Pastors need time and space to get back in alignment with God and begin to dream his dreams for their lives and churches.
We as a church desire to bring the Global church together so that we can hear their burdens and gain a greater understanding for what God is doing around the world. We believe this will help us lead our church better.
Because when the Church (bride) has their eyes locked on Jesus (their groom), we will prepare the way for His return.
We have intentionally created a space for rest and healing. First, we gather for worship and prayer. Next, we have created 2-hour time blocks for them to enter into distraction-free/screen-free rooms. During this time they will only have a journal and bible to spend with God in the secret place. Additionally, we encourage each leader to spend the day pursuing time with the Lord.
Definitely! One way is by offering housing to the families if you have a property in the Safety Harbor area. Another way is by giving to the "general" fund on the Harborside App. A portion of your gift funds these retreats and many other Harborside Initiatives.
We like to view it as a "reverse mission trip". The time and commitment is similar to a traditional mission trip where you would go abroad and serve. Serving is hands on. You grow in deep relationships with the families. Car rides, fun free time, and meals together are among the list of things you may be doing.